Business Counselling
South Lake Futures provides a variety of business advising services and resources to the local business community. Unless otherwise noted, all our counselling and education services are free of charge. We can assist you with the beginning stages of creating a business plan, cash flow projections and assist you with registering your business name. Where appropriate, we also make referrals to other agencies or programs that provide assistance to small businesses. In addition, we also assist clients in their efforts to obtain business financing from other sources.
Business Education
Throughout the year, we deliver business seminars on a variety of business management topics. In addition, we participate in Small Business Week by collaborating with business minded organizations to deliver special events with expert guest speakers for the local business community. Please check our Eventbrite and Facebook pages for upcoming events.
One-on-One Counselling
We provide entrepreneurial, commercial, financial, marketing and other business advice and counselling. Existing, or potential local business owners can make an appointment to meet with one of our staff for business advice on a variety of business issues including business start-up, business financing, purchasing or expanding an existing business. Contact our office if you would like to book an appointment.
Business Planning Facilitation
Clients working on their business plan are welcome to make appointments to meet with one of our staff to have their draft plan reviewed. In addition, if there are aspects of developing the plan that a client is having difficulty with, they may meet with one of our staff for assistance. Contact our office if you would like to book an appointment.
Business Registration
You can register your business through the government of Ontario’s on-line business registration system. You are required to obtain a "company key" registration directly linked to your business at: https://www.appmybizaccount.go.... You can register a business name for a sole proprietorship or general partnership at https://www.appmybizaccount.go....There is a $60 fee for this registration which is paid entirely to the Government of Ontario. This fee can only be paid by credit card. We can facilitate the registration of new and existing business registrations with one-on-one support if required, and by appointment. Please call our office at (905) 476-1244 or send us an email at to schedule an appointment for a member of our team to guide you through the process.